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Super Review

We are delighted with the latest review on the 4bars rest website of John Lee’s solo CD with the girls from ‘Boobs and Brass’, “Whatever It Takes”.

It reinforces the aims of the project, raising money for the charity Breast Cancer Campaign with every penny from the sales going directly to the charity. To date in excess of £60,000 has been raised for the charity with almost a quarter of that money from the CD sales alone.

The review concludes, ‘The transcriptions and arrangements are played with a fine sense of informed style by John (as well as a great bit of playing from Carol Jarvis on trombone) and the band accompaniment is delicate and well balanced – helped by quality producing from the MHP sound guys.

To learn more about the girls from ‘Boobs and Brass’ visit them at their website at
You can read the full review here,

If you have not yet bought the CD you can buy one here by sending a cheque for £11 payable to Boobs & Brass and this includes  the  postage and packing.

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