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“The King, Our Captain General”

"The King, Our Captain General", MHP324 marks the completion of our work with The Band of His Majesty’s Royal Marines Portsmouth (The Royal Band). The project is now in the process of CD manufacture and will be available for purchase…

Countess of Wessex’s String Orchestra

We spent this week recording the Countess of Wessex's String Orchestra at Woolwich Barracks in London. The Orchestra was formed in 2014 and has doubled in numbers since its establishment. As one of the eight musical groups within the Household…

RM Band Portsmouth recording

After a couple of weeks at home, we have had another sojourn down south this week via the M40 with four days in Chandlers Ford in Hampshire with The Band of HM Royal Marines Portsmouth. This is the second recent…

Grenadier Guards premiere recordings

We have spent two days this week with the Band of the Grenadier Guards at Saint Andrew’s Garrison Church Aldershot. They were recording music which will shortly be available for streaming on the Household Division website. Two of the items…

The Collingwood Spirit MHP322

The Collingwood Spirit, MHP322, marks the completion of the work on the recording project with the Band of HM Royal Marines Collingwood. It has now gone off for production and the CD will be available to purchase early next month.…

“Carol of the Shepherds” MHP523

"Carol of the Shepherds" is the latest CD recording by the York-based Shepherd Group Brass Band. They are one of the largest Brass Band organisations in the country, made up of five ensembles and over one hundred and fifty players…

Band of the Coldstream Guards Phase 3

We have completed the final aspect of our work with the Band of the Coldstream Guards. following our three recording dates with them in early April. The first section of the project was the recording of processional marches featured at…

Christmas music in June! MHP523

Over a somewhat sultry weekend in the beautiful city of York we have spent a pleasant time in great company recording Christmas music in preparation for a CD production. The Shepherd Group Brass Band is one of the largest brass…

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