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The Collingwood Spirit MHP322

The Collingwood Spirit, MHP322, marks the completion of the work on the recording project with the Band of HM Royal Marines Collingwood. It has now gone off for production and the CD will be available to purchase early next month. Certainly in plenty of time for Christmas!

The twelve tracks are an eclectic mix of traditional military music together with more modern compositions. Indeed, over half of the numbers have not been recorded before. These new works have been written or arranged for the Band by members of the Royal Marines Band Services or composers with a special arrangement with them. They certainly represent how the Band’s current audiences around the world hear them perform.

You can learn more about the Band of HM Royal Marines Collingwood’s activities here and they also have a strong following on Facebook.

You can listen to two excerpts from the CD here. Geoffrey Nobes‘ beautiful hymn tune arrangement, ‘Prelude to Lavenham’ and ‘Out of Space’ by the Austrian composer Thomas Doss.…/prelude-on-lavenham-geoffrey…


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