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Band of the Scots Guards

Whilst in London at the same time as the recording with the Grenadier Guards we were fortunate to spend two further days with the Band of the Scots Guards. Their objective was to record several ‘Heritage’ items for inclusion in…

Band of the Grenadier Guards

The recording project with the Band of the Grenadier Guards which we undertook in London on the 17th and 18th of January has been completed. The Band recorded an eclectic mix of items which included a new march. “The King’s…

Band of the Welsh Guards

We have this week made a welcome return to the The Royal Military Chapel on Birdcage Walk in London where we have been working with the Band of the Welsh Guards. They have been recording the military marches which will…

Band of the Scots Guards

The second of our recording projects at the Guards Chapel featured the Band of the Scots Guards. Their repertoire included three of the seven elements of Philip Sparkes’ Hymn of the Highlands. Alladale features three of the Bands saxophonists. Summer…

RM Band Collingwood recording

We have spent three days this week in Fareham in Hampshire with the Band of His Majesty’s Royal Marines Collingwood. They were recording an eclectic mix of traditional music for a forthcoming CD. The Band fulfils over 300 ceremonial and…

Funeral Marches MHP 222

Following our visit to Maidenhead at the end of September we have completed the project with The Band of the Household Cavalry.That work entailed the recording of each of the six funeral marches played during the State Funeral of Her…

Return to Household Cavalry Band

We made a welcome return to the Band of the Household Cavalry this week and met up with a number of old friends in Maidenhead. Our last visit to them was in 2019 when we recorded their successful album "Shining…

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